Thursday, June 7, 2012

Please Help!!!

Hey everyone! Just want to hear from you...I was doing some evaluation on myself and God made a tremendous impression in me and I would like to share this with you. Hope you will participate and be open to what God wants to do for your life as a person: The first question that I want you to answer is:
1.      What areas in your life that need changed?
a.     Before you answer the question, ask God prayerfully to reveal to you the areas that need change, areas that there is a struggle with sin and temptation. Now you don’t need to elaborate, you have the option to keep it to yourself or to spill it out, what is important is that you are fully aware about the things in your life that greatly needs help, one step to recovery and victory is the acknowledgment that you need help and change in that particular area of your life.
b.     When I was praying last night, God revealed to me that I need help with setting priorities, I found myself struggling which task or activities that I need to accomplish first, that’s one, second, I need help with my endurance, pride and thought pattern. These are the things that slow me down and I need your support to pray for me that I will be victorious in mastering my character and be honed in the likeness of Jesus.
c.     This is not an easy task but when you come to the full awareness of your struggles and personal difficulties the next step is easier to accomplish. Of course, we need to pray; meditate on God’s Word and focus on Jesus alone, for when we are busy looking at the people around us and their weaknesses and strength we will be blinded by our own weaknesses.

2.      What books in the Bible, verses or chapters that will be able to help me overcome my personal difficulties? Who are the characters in the Bible that struggled with the same struggles that I have? What have I learned from their experiences?
a.     In these questions, you will be able to mediate on the Word of God, you will improve and develop a healthy way to read and study the Word of God effectively thus providing God the way to teach and guide you through the process and on your end, you’ll be able to make a practical analysis and application of what you have learned. Again, the key is prayer in order to make this happen, you don’t want to jump from one book to another, ask God to lead you as you study His Word, God is very much excited to interact with us in our quiet time with Him, all you need to do is be open and obedient to follow His will.

I will be leaving these questions for you to answer, you may write your answers on the comment box below, (of course I do respect areas that need to be kept between you and God,) in so doing, we will be able to help each other by starting a prayer group, we will pray for everyone who will be participating and please once you are already in the process or you have started doing the evaluation, don’t forget to  drop by to give us feedback on how you are doing. Let’s strengthen each other by praying for one another…so that the Body of Christ is equipped and empower until the day of His coming! Hope to hear from you! =D

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