Monday, June 4, 2012

A Date with God?

What if God invited you to a date? What would you do? Would you make early preparations or last minute arrangements? Would you wear your best dress or just a shabby clothes from your unearthed closet or just your usual dress? Would you impress Him with your intellectual chat or simply be yourself? Would you be honest or would you make up stories just to amaze Him?

When I was thinking of an additional post to my blog, I was praying that God would give me a topic, since we just finished our “Love Can Wait” seminar for the teens, I asked myself, “how about a topic that deals with priorities,” it struck me clearly, since we discussed not to focus on the relationship at an early age, I said why not focus on God as the center of everything, since most of the teens with ages ranging from 12 to 17 are already serious about going in a relationship and because of their immaturity they tend to choose the wrong things as long as it feels good as of the moment, those ideas motivated me to choose this topic.

Sometimes, we are too concerned with our personal life that we take God for granted, we go to church at the last part of the program and go home hurriedly for our next appointment, and we don’t want to be late! Sometimes we just give God the residue of our time, we never talk to Him, we never listen, we never care…but when we have burdens we ran to Him and cast all our cares, being a good God He is, He lift up our burdens and we are relieved not because we deserve it but because of His loving-kindness and mercy!

I was wondering, what if we are invited to a date by our crush, a famous celebrity, our boyfriend or girlfriend or a politician? Of course you will go to the parlor and have a professional fix your hair and makeup, bring out or even buy the finest clothes just to look impressive on your date, and I’m pretty sure you are going to make early preparations so as not to miss a tiny bit of details such as your eyebrows, perfume, shoes and even the color of valise to match with your clothes, everything is so in depth just to make the date perfect!

What about going out on a date with God? Would you do the same? Would you give God the treatment you gave to your earthly date? Going out with God requires a thorough preparation, not just physically, emotionally, mentally most of all spiritually. We need to prepare our inmost being for our spiritual preparation will manifest physically. When there’s an invitation to a date, we check the schedule, the day and time set, and then we make early preparations for it. Of course going out with God is different, we’ve been given ample time for our personal matters, so it’s not too much if God would ask at least a fraction of your time just to spend with Him. Some Christians failed to see that we need God for we don’t have a chance to survive in this world without Him, it’s by His grace why we continue to experience insurmountable blessings, blessings we don’t deserve but given by His grace. God doesn’t need man, because, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” (Psalms 24:1), He is the owner and man is compared to a grass or even a dew, in just a moment it is gone. So if you are to meet with God be at least 15 to 30 minutes early, come excitedly because when you arrived late, it shows disinterest and surely it would offend God because He’s there all along waiting eagerly for you.

Next is, when you are going out on a date, you shower yourself, maybe most of you stayed in the bathroom for 2 hours, I myself spend 45 minutes to 1 hour just to make sure that I am clean, not only sanitized but freshly scented. That’s my date preparation with my husband, now if we will be dating God, we should be cleansed inside and out, our hearts, minds and everything within us must be holy before God, we must present ourselves acceptable before Him, remember, God is a holy God and anything impure before Him is unacceptable. God is pleased with those who are pure in heart, purity doesn’t mean sinlessness but it means striving to live in unity with the will of God in your life, honoring God with your speech, thoughts and actions. Now indeed, this is crucial, but the fact that it is more crucial to live a sinful life because it will lead to eternal punishment in hell, than to live at peace with God whereby there is a promise of eternal life with Him…the choice is yours.

The next idea is also related to the foregoing paragraph, wearing a garment fitted for a royal date with a King. For most women, we dress to kill, we make sure that our dress speaks for us; same way in meeting with God on a date, we should not just wear any shabby clothes or our usual dress. We need to make ourselves presentable if we are going out with the King, a verse in Isaiah states that, God Himself will clothe His people with the garments of praise, that He may be glorified…let’s see to it that we are always wearing this garment so that people will see that we are clothed with the righteousness of God, thereby giving praise to Him.

Lastly, don’t make any pretensions, unlike our ordinary dates; we can pretend someone else that we are not, God can see through us, He knows our frame, He knew everything about us and He is not impressed with intellectual chats. God wants us to come before Him just as we are no reservations, no superficial affectations. God is more concerned with what He can do for us; He is willing to discuss with us His plans, His promises and His unconditional love not only that He wants to know how we feel, our insights, our plans and even our dreams. These will not be made possible if we are so busy trying to be somebody we are not, trying to cover up our shame. Come to Him just as you are, true, humble and excited, He doesn’t care about your physical appearance because He looks to the heart and He loves you just the way you are.

So the next time you’re going out on a date with God, be the best you can be because you are going out with the King of kings and don’t forget to make your date memorable! =D

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