Saturday, June 23, 2012


Kabataan Party List Representative Raymond Palatino is said to filed a House Bill entitled “Religious Freedom in Government Act”, at first, you may think that the bill is religious and pro-God but it simply states the banning of religious activities and other religious symbols within the government offices. This proposal from the representative threatens the religious freedom of every Filipino and should not be supported.

We have seen the moral decline of some of the western countries who fifty years ago a bunch of “looneys” suggested that prayers and Bible reading in public schools be prohibited. Now we have witnessed the effect of taking God out of the picture. Immorality, violence and economic decline continue to sweep through the nation. Furthermore, people chose Satan to rule over them rather than God; this is very evident in the spiritual condition of the people, thank God because there are some who are still standing on the Word of God battling to drive out the anti-Christ spirit in the society.

Seeing the fate of our brothers in other countries, we must be vigilant that such bill must not be permitted in our nation, especially now that our people are in the midst of poverty, godlessness and corruption. We have seen with our eyes the example of those nation who turned away from God, are we going to follow the same fate? The Bible says in Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The only key to blessing is when people acknowledge the sovereignty of God whether it be in a family, a community or a nation, the only time we will receive healing is when we ask God’s forgiveness, turn from our evil ways and seek His face, then and only then will God hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

Our suffering is enough already, our young people are sold out to sex, slavery and abuse, our women suffered physical, emotional and mental cruelty, our men are forced to leave their family to serve other nations because of financial insufficiency in our own country, our economy is on its last legs, our education is poor and the wealthy people are sitting in their own homes despite their fellow people died because of sickness and destitution, not to mention the endless calamity that destroy lives and property leaving millions of victims hopeless and suffering.

These are the condition of our country, now if we are to take God out of the picture definitely our nation will not survive! The only time we have seen the blessings of God and His protection is when people pray, seek God and declare His lordship over our land. Remember when Abraham bargained with God to stop the impending judgment on Sodom and Gommorah should there be any righteous people living in it, God declared that He will not destroy the place for the sake of the righteous people, same way if we ban God in our government, we are prohibiting Him to meddle with our affairs thus coming out of God’s control and guidance, if we are to do this, people may tend to live according their own desires, just like a sheep who have gone astray. God is the Shepherd of the Filipino people, that’s the fact that all people must realized, we will never be able to survive until now if not for God’s favor and grace upon us.

Let’s look at the morale of the people, are they showing godliness? We have witnessed crimes one after another, dishonesty among government officials and war among Filipino people; these will definitely worsen if we will forbid the study of the Word of God—the compass and the lamp to direct us to fruitful and healthy living. For sure you don’t want the next generation of young people to live in a world where godlessness rule the nation, what kind of future are we preparing for our children, the times are already evil and it is frightening that our kids will grow up in a system where God is nowhere to be found. What a comfort it brings that in schools God and His word is taught as a basis of spiritual foundation---what a sick society if the schools are teaching superheroes, fairy tales and fantasy to our children! What a comfort it brings when people in the government are gathering together to pray and even study the Word of God, you will be assured that the people in the position are worthy of trust because the Bible is their guide for direction, decision and implementation of laws and policy---if not totally eradicated, at least there is a reduction in corruption.

God has promised the Israelites during the time of Moses before conquering the Promise Land, in Deuteronomy 6: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Living the Word of God, meditating it day and night are the keys of blessings and abundant provision, if we are to follow the words of God through Moses for the Israelites, we will not experience their fate—God turned them over to their enemies as a result of disobedience. God has promised blessings and life for those who will continue to live the Word of God. If you are a Christian, Catholic or Born Again, or even a Muslim, please do not conform nor be silent over this matter, our millions of voices will stop the removing of God in our government. God is our only hope, our chance to survive and our comfort!

May this also serve as a warning, should this bill be approved, now the government, tomorrow the entire nation…think and pray Filipinos!

[The images are not pardon the -because for me this is not funny]


  1. May d good Lord frustrate their evil plan concerning your nation in Jesus name.Amen

    1. Thank you so much for that powerful will give a powerful impact in the spiritual realms. God bless you!
