Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Holy Spirit and His Empowering Gifts for the Church - Preaching Outline

Theme:           The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Title:                Receive and Be Equip
Topic:             The Holy Spirit and His Empowering Gifts for the Church
Text:                1st Corinthians 12: 1-12

Corinthian Church Background
Purpose of Paul’s writing answered the inquiries concerning marriage and foods offered to idols, and he also addressed the worsening conflicts in the church which dealt with immorality, divisions and contentions.

Recalling Pastor Irene’s preaching she discussed about the Fruit of the Holy Spirit which dealt about the fruit as singular in unit but plural in sense. Christians must possess the fruit and be completed in Him because they are inseparable and all are product of the powerful will of the Spirit as He weakens the flesh.

I.                     Definition of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
Spiritual Gifts are plural in Greek word it is translated as Pneumatikos – pneumatika which pertains to the things of the Holy Spirit: non-carnal, religious, spiritual. It refers to the spiritual things of God that only the Holy Spirit can perform for it is His office. His works are for the great purpose of drawing men to God, glorifying God and equipping men for God’s work.

II.                   Who is the Giver of these Gifts? 12:4-6 and 11
The Holy Spirit imparts these gifts to whom He desires, to everyone. The administration meaning services, ministries and offices are the work of the Son and the operation under the sovereign control of the Father who is the Head of all.

III.                  What is the purpose of the Gifts? 12:7
The benefit of the Spirit’s Gifts is for the profit of all, for the believer mainly the Body of Christ to be equipped in Kingdom’s work and for the unbeliever for them to believe and be drawn to Christ.

IV.               Different Kinds of Gifts: 12:8-10
Gifts fall into three divisions:
Gifts of Revelation – the Mind Gifts
Gifts of Inspiration – the Vocal Gifts
Gifts of Power – Working Gifts

A.    Gifts of Revelation – the Mind Gifts
a.     Word of Wisdom – supernatural revelation or insight into the divine will and purpose showing how to solve any problem that may arise. Examples given: 1st Kings 3:16-28; John 2:22; Acts 26:16.
Let’s look at the example about Paul’s account, Jesus revealed Himself to Paul who was at that time persecuting and killing Christians. After encountering the Lord, Jesus’ revelation to Paul dramatically changed Paul, from a non-believer to believer in Christ. He became Christ’s missionary for the Gentiles.
b.     Word of Knowledge – supernatural revelation of divine knowledge or insight of the divine mind, will or plan and also the plans of others that man could not know of himself. Examples given: 1st Samuel 3:7-15; 2nd Kings 6:8-12; Acts 9:11-12
Let’s look at the example on Samuel’s account; the word of the Lord was rare during that time and Eli’s house ministered to the temple of the Lord as priests. But Eli’s sons defiled the temple with their evil practice. And so God called for Samuel to pronounce judgment on Eli’s household and to prepare Samuel in the office of priesthood.

c.     Discerning of Spirits – supernatural insights into the realm of the spirits to detect them and their plans and to read the minds of men. Examples given: Acts 13:9-10; Acts 16:16
In Acts 13:9, Paul rebuked the sorcerer who tried to hinder the consul from hearing the Gospel, it is always God’s will for men to be born again that’s why by the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul was able to discern the plan of the spirits.
In Acts 16:16, Paul rebuked the young girl who was possessed by the spirit of divination: the purpose of this incident paved way for the deliverance of the young girl and the conversion of the prison guard and his entire household.

B.      Gifts of Inspiration – the Vocal Gifts
a.     Prophecy – supernatural utterance in the native tongues [1st Cor. 14:3], it is a miracle of divine utterance not conceived by human thought or reasoning. It includes speaking unto men to edification, exhortation and comfort. Examples of given: Acts 3:21; 11:28; 21:11.
In Acts 21:11, prophet Agabus spoke a prophecy concerning Paul’s arrest by the Jews in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit gave this message in order to prepare Paul for the coming persecution, arrest and torment.

b.     Divers Kinds of Tongues – supernatural utterance in other languages which are not known to the speaker. Examples given: Acts 2:4; Acts 10:44-48.
On the account of Cornelius’ conversion and his entire household, while they received the Gospel, the Holy Spirit poured on them that they were able to speak in tongues, it was a sign for Peter that salvation is also for the Gentiles and the Holy Spirit show no partiality whether Jew, Gentiles, barbarian or wise or unwise as long as it further the works of God.

c.     Interpretation of Tongues – simply supernatural ability to interpret in the native tongue what is uttered in other languages not known by the one who interprets by the Spirit.
                                                               i.      In 1st Corinthians 14:3 – its purpose is for the edification, exhortation and comfort.
                                                             ii.      In verse 22 – the kind of tongues described in this verse are tongues that can be understood by some such as the account in Acts 2:5-11 where the disciples when baptized by the Holy Spirit spoke in native tongues of the people around them. These are for the unbelievers to believe that through their miraculous exercise, sinners might see the manifestation of the supernatural.
                                                            iii.      Rules to follow: 14:27-28
1.      Let it be by two or at the most three and let one interpret
2.      But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the church; let him speak to himself and to God for he edifies himself.
3.      Let two or three prophets speak and let others judge.

C.    Gifts of Power – Working Gifts
a.     Faith – supernatural ability to believe God without human doubt, unbelief and reasoning. Examples given: Romans 4:17; James 1:5-8
                                                               i.      In Romans 4, the Apostle Paul discussed about the faith of Abraham that accounted to righteousness.

b.     The Gifts of Healing – supernatural power to heal all manner of sickness without human aid and or medicine. Examples given: Acts 5: 12-16 and Acts 2:43
                                                               i.      In these two scenarios, the words of Jesus are true when He said that “You can do greater miracles than these.” John 14:12
                                                             ii.      This portrays that by the infilling of the Holy Spirit and operating in His gifts we can do even the impossible.
                                                            iii.      Healing is made possible by God in order for men to realize that it is His part of the redemptive work of Christ on the Calvary and He desires that everyone be healed.

c.     Working of Miracles – supernatural power to intervene in the ordinary course of human nature and to counteract nature laws if necessary. Examples given: 2nd Kings 13:20-21, Acts 16:26 and Acts 28:3-6.
                                                               i.      Elisha’s bones revived man back to life
                                                             ii.      An earthquake opened prison doors and released Paul and Silas from chains.
                                                            iii.      A viper clung around Paul’s arms and he was unhurt.

V.                 Questions Regarding the Use of the Gifts:
a.     Purpose: - God’s administration and operations of the Gifts in the Church is for the
                                                               i.      Edifying the Body of Christ – 1st Cor. 14:12
                                                             ii.      Strengthening the faith – Ephesians 4: 11-13
                                                            iii.      Equipping and empowering – Ephesians 4:11-13
                                                          iv.      Furtherance of the Gospel – 1st Cor. 14:25

b.     All these purpose pertains to the things of the Spirit, in 1st Cor. 12:3, all these things proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ as this is the will of the Father and the Spirit.
c.     The Gifts of the Spirit when and where can be used?
                                                               i.      Used when needed – 12: 7, chapter 14:3-6
                                                             ii.      Used where needed – 12: 7, chapter 14: 1-40
d.     Gifts of the Spirit can be chosen – 12:31
e.     Who may have them? Every believer 12:8-11
f.        Gifts can also be misused
                                                               i.      Numbers 20:7-13: Moses’ striking of the rock
                                                             ii.      1st Cor. 13 – Gifts are nothing without love

VI.               Conclusion:
God the Holy Spirit has given us these gifts so that we may fulfill our work as His followers, to expand the Kingdom of God; the Church is not deprived so as not to fulfill her [Church] calling.

These Gifts are meant to be used for the sole purpose of God’s intention in the life of every believer and unbeliever. This is not to declare that you are greater, thus belittling others and considering yourself highly as others. Romans 12: 3-8.

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