Saturday, July 21, 2012

Forgiveness: A Difficult Word?

Forgiveness is a difficult word, sometimes, we say we have forgiven a person yet we cannot forget the offense they have done to us, and such concept is in contrast with the true meaning of forgiveness. In Matthew 6: 14-15, Jesus encouraged forgiveness, “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” We have the assurance of God’s forgiveness because God Himself promised that when we come to Him in humility and confess our sins, He is just and faithful to forgive us our sins [1st John 1:9]. People can receive forgiveness no matter how grave their offenses are, they can be sure that their sins will be wiped out and will be remembered no more.

But when people offended us it is difficult for us to release forgiveness, we always find excuses not to forgive them, we always see ourselves as the most offended one, we always demand our rights over those who offended us, we want them to suffer and we want them to acknowledge their sins before us so we can forgive them. If we are setting standards for people to do for us so we can issue forgiveness, we are playing god! Have you ever realized that when we do this we are going against the very nature of God and we are setting ourselves high above Him?

God’s basis for forgiveness is if we faithfully confess our sins, [1st John 1:9] if we come to Him with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, [Psalms 51:17] if we forgive others who have offended us [Matthew 6:14-15], why is it more difficult for us humans to forgive? Why is it our policies and standard are burdensome compared to God? We humans always exult our rights over the One who made us righteous; God wants us to forgive others so He too can forgive us with our offense.

When we find it hard to forgive, think about Jesus on the cross, how in His suffering He released and prayed forgiveness for those who insulted, persecuted and reviled Him on the cross. “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do,” Luke 23:34. When we forgive we are doing ourselves a favor, we are setting ourselves free from pain, bitterness and other complications brought about by unforgiveness. Experts say that unforgiveness cause stress and some illnesses which are spiritual by nature. And the only cure to spiritual illnesses is a balm of healing which is also spiritual, forgiveness is spiritual and has a freedom effect from the forgiver and the receiver of forgiveness. Even if you find it unfair or unjust on your part, for Jesus too suffered all forms of injustices when He died on the cross, yet He never insisted His righteousness because if He did, God would not find any reason to forgive us, it is by Christ’s work why we can be forgiven. If there is someone who offended you, just forgive and think of the beauty it will do to you, you may not be Jesus just like what everybody says, but you can be a little Jesus by becoming like Him by following His example of love, compassion and forgiveness. Think about this…

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