Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Message of Lady Gaga's Concert to the Body of Christ

The prayer vigil, protests of religious groups and other text brigade and blog that send messages to stop the concert of the controversial Famed Monster Lady Gaga seems to add up to the promotion and success of the concert. It intensifies the event and somehow, Lady Gaga seems to enjoy the publicity. Despite the prayers of all Christian groups why did this concert ever happen? What is the clear message of God especially to the Body of Christ?

Have you ever think what God wants to accomplish when what we are praying for didn’t happen according to what we expect? God’s answer definitely is not focus on what we are praying for but on us, the success of Lady Gaga’s concert gives us a clear message, the Body of Christ needs to double up because the days are evil, the prince of this world, the god of this age is taking over our entertainment industry, our society, our community, our family and even our church. Our political system are getting worst because of the craving for wealth and power, the morality of our society is declining for the people have rejected the Biblical principle of life, our family values is poor because we have dethroned God in the center of our family and have replaced it with idols we have set up such as tv, computers and other gadgets or even our jobs, and Christians are getting worldly because we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the world.
Indeed the enemy is doing everything to kill, steal and destroy and he seems to succeed, he will succeed if the Christians, the followers of Jesus will not do anything, will be contented as church goers or attendees and doesn’t care about the world and the Gospel. More and more people will be hooked to the snares of the devil and he is now presenting himself in the open, he is not concealed anymore and the sad reality is, the people are accepting this. Now, as Christians, we should not busy ourselves with protests, meaningless debates on who’s wrong and right, or church activities, we should expose the agenda of the enemy and his plan…I’m not saying that church activities are wrong, what I’m saying is instead of focusing on these things, let’s prioritize all the more on the things that will lead people to Christ, let’s do something that will impact our community, the world will not be saved with timeless and meaningless debates of doctrines that divide the Body of Christ, the world will not be saved with mere faith but faith with powerful and passionate action embedded with love, these will convince the world that we Christians are not superficial but are speaking the truth with love and compassion. Let's pray that the eyes of whom satan has blinded may be open that they may see the truth of his lies and that his main intention is to destroy.

God is sending the message that as part of the Body of Christ let’s be passionate about leading people to the Savior, being vigilant, acting urgently because the enemy is doing the same thing, he is serious to take as many people as he can to eternal death, but we must not allow this to happen, that someone may be your loved one, your family, your neighbors, your friends… what kind of Christian are you if you are just going to let it happen? Instead of fighting the war brought upon by the enemy with human strength and means, let’s continue to win the battle by doing the things the enemy doesn’t want you to do, he doesn’t want you to evangelize, he doesn’t want you to be holy, he doesn’t want you to be focused, he doesn’t want you to commit to God’s work, he doesn’t want you to love and care for the lost souls, he doesn’t want you to pray and know the Word of God, he doesn’t want you to know the truth. Imagine if we Christians will do what the enemy doesn’t want us to do, we will be gaining favor from God and we will be able to move God’s hands to act upon the condition of the world, He is doing something, but what God wants to see is how passionate and serious are we in our commitment to Him, He has shown us the spiritual poverty of this world and it is up to us to do our part triple time…because the days are evil, let’s redeem the time!

Bible Reference

Ephesians 5: 1-21

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