Monday, December 10, 2012

A Letter to Cong. Manny Pacquiao

Dear Cong. Champion Manny Pacquiao:

We who consider you as the people’s champ will never forget how you fought for us. Despite of your loss, we will remain true to you. We want you to know that we are grateful for you because you have shown the spirit of a true warrior not only in times of victory but in times of defeat. You have done well to represent our country; because of you our nation has found its way globally in terms of sports, therefore in times past we have rejoiced in your victory and we will stand and back you up, never forsake you in times of defeat.

People may persecute you because of your faith but please continue to stand for God who will be there for you especially in your darkest hour. We your fans will be there to support you, to honor you and to pray for you, in these times of defeat please know that we the people of the Philippines will be your strength for you serve our strength and our inspiration. Be brave Cong. Manny Pacquiao, the Lord is with you and the Body of Christ shall stand for you!

You have fought well, fought bravely and you fought not only for yourself but for the Philippines, when you fall, God will uphold you so that you will stand, stand to represent the King of kings, for Him who will never leave you in times of victory and defeat. Rest in the presence of God, wait upon Him and open your hearts so that you will hear His voice speaking to you. Do not be moved by the voices of this world but be strengthened and be guided by the voice of truth coming from the Truth. You are precious in His sight and what He planned for you is amazing, full of hope and abounding in wealth not of this world but of the coming eternity with Jesus!


  1. Mr. Pacquiao... Let your FAITH be Bigger than your FEARS! GodBless...

    1. I hundred percent agree! Thank you so much, what an amazing insight! God bless you too!
