What makes us Christians different from others? I think it's the One Whom we follow. We are called Christians because we follow Christ, so if we follow the carnality of the flesh, let's open our eyes, maybe we are on the wrong path. Think about this.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Too Comfortable?
By Hazel Sibi Yee
Wonderful houses, cool cars, high-paying job, amazing career, families, friends, unforgettable getaway, fascinating hobbies to name a few are some of the things we truly enjoy. We’ll be a hypocrite if we say that we are not interested to experience just one of these and above the fact that you are a Christian, we call it a blessing and a favor from God. We’ve given so many opportunities to be blessed by God and as His children; it’s a complete package when we became a Christian, its’ part of our privileges.
However, there are some things we missed when we are in the midst of such comfort, we have forgotten that these are “only” privileges of our position as children and heir; we have forgotten that our inheritance is not of this world but heavenward. Our main job is to lead souls to the feet of Jesus, illuminate His light and be transformed from glory to glory. It is important that we take part in preserving the world before He comes so that our inheritance is guaranteed. It’s a sad scenario to see Christians living in their comfort zone, the concept of, “Well, I’m a Christian, I guess I’m doing good since I am a church attendee, I give my tithes and offering to the Lord, I pray and read my Bible, but please do not take me to mission, nor do not push me to evangelize it’s not my kind of thing, I’ll finance the whole trip but don’t ever bother me.” Some Christians are so comfortable to be just the financier, to just attend church service, go home and not participate with God’s program for the world.
When God called us to become part of His Kingdom, we need to labor for the King, because the King Himself is not giving in to rest seeing the world is heading for despair and destruction. Christians need to realize that the world is a big mission field where there are few workers, our main job is unaccomplished until now, that’s why Jesus wants us to act hastily so that we’ll be able to do much for Him before His return. We need to get out of our comfort zone, for Jesus Himself got out of His, He was born in a manger, lived with the carpenter, walked with sinners and died the most humiliating death – the death on the cross, just for us. If we cannot do the same, then how can we partake in His glory? Comfortable life is not something to be guilty of, but the yielding to it without giving heed to the groaning of the suffering world – that’s something to be accountable of! I remember the song of CITIPOINTE LIVE, “…To the far of the earth we go, Your love story must be told, so we would not live in comfort anymore…” This says it all, true Christianity is not just reading the Bible but living it, if we knew the truth in the Bible, we definitely know our goal and our priority: Jesus and His love for the world. I heard one pastor preached about mission, he says that, “Worship is good, fellowship is good, but these two has no expiration, the Christian church must prioritize their evangelism and mission program because these expires, and these are what the world needs.” True, we have to give importance to these four, but the sad part is, some churches have neglected their responsibility on the latter. We need to hasten the work because the time is drawing near, hitherto, there are still a lot of people who are unsaved, it could be your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, your children, relatives, husband, wife, friends, neighbors, etc., and their blood lay upon your hands.
One of my favorite songs from CASTING CROWNS is their song, “If We are the Body”, the lyrics says, “If we are the Body, why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His Words teaching? If we are the Body, why aren’t His feet going? Why aren’t His love not showing them there is a way…there is a way.” The world is trying to find the way to be happy, be content, be peaceful and be free and they are finding it in the wrong way leading to death, and the question is what are we doing about this? Are we telling them that there is a way, the Way in which they would experience happiness, contentment, peace and freedom without sacrificing their soul? Christians, the world needs you, your King needs you and when we act before it’s too late, we will not only save the people around us but our soul as well. Think about this.
Ezekiel 3:18
“If I warn the wicked, saying ‘You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible, demanding your blood for theirs.”
Matthew 9:37-38
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is truly plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field.”
Ephesians 5:15-17
“Be very careful then on how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
By Hazel Sibi Yee
Wonderful houses, cool cars, high-paying job, amazing career, families, friends, unforgettable getaway, fascinating hobbies to name a few are some of the things we truly enjoy. We’ll be a hypocrite if we say that we are not interested to experience just one of these and above the fact that you are a Christian, we call it a blessing and a favor from God. We’ve given so many opportunities to be blessed by God and as His children; it’s a complete package when we became a Christian, its’ part of our privileges.
However, there are some things we missed when we are in the midst of such comfort, we have forgotten that these are “only” privileges of our position as children and heir; we have forgotten that our inheritance is not of this world but heavenward. Our main job is to lead souls to the feet of Jesus, illuminate His light and be transformed from glory to glory. It is important that we take part in preserving the world before He comes so that our inheritance is guaranteed. It’s a sad scenario to see Christians living in their comfort zone, the concept of, “Well, I’m a Christian, I guess I’m doing good since I am a church attendee, I give my tithes and offering to the Lord, I pray and read my Bible, but please do not take me to mission, nor do not push me to evangelize it’s not my kind of thing, I’ll finance the whole trip but don’t ever bother me.” Some Christians are so comfortable to be just the financier, to just attend church service, go home and not participate with God’s program for the world.
When God called us to become part of His Kingdom, we need to labor for the King, because the King Himself is not giving in to rest seeing the world is heading for despair and destruction. Christians need to realize that the world is a big mission field where there are few workers, our main job is unaccomplished until now, that’s why Jesus wants us to act hastily so that we’ll be able to do much for Him before His return. We need to get out of our comfort zone, for Jesus Himself got out of His, He was born in a manger, lived with the carpenter, walked with sinners and died the most humiliating death – the death on the cross, just for us. If we cannot do the same, then how can we partake in His glory? Comfortable life is not something to be guilty of, but the yielding to it without giving heed to the groaning of the suffering world – that’s something to be accountable of! I remember the song of CITIPOINTE LIVE, “…To the far of the earth we go, Your love story must be told, so we would not live in comfort anymore…” This says it all, true Christianity is not just reading the Bible but living it, if we knew the truth in the Bible, we definitely know our goal and our priority: Jesus and His love for the world. I heard one pastor preached about mission, he says that, “Worship is good, fellowship is good, but these two has no expiration, the Christian church must prioritize their evangelism and mission program because these expires, and these are what the world needs.” True, we have to give importance to these four, but the sad part is, some churches have neglected their responsibility on the latter. We need to hasten the work because the time is drawing near, hitherto, there are still a lot of people who are unsaved, it could be your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, your children, relatives, husband, wife, friends, neighbors, etc., and their blood lay upon your hands.
One of my favorite songs from CASTING CROWNS is their song, “If We are the Body”, the lyrics says, “If we are the Body, why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His Words teaching? If we are the Body, why aren’t His feet going? Why aren’t His love not showing them there is a way…there is a way.” The world is trying to find the way to be happy, be content, be peaceful and be free and they are finding it in the wrong way leading to death, and the question is what are we doing about this? Are we telling them that there is a way, the Way in which they would experience happiness, contentment, peace and freedom without sacrificing their soul? Christians, the world needs you, your King needs you and when we act before it’s too late, we will not only save the people around us but our soul as well. Think about this.
Ezekiel 3:18
“If I warn the wicked, saying ‘You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible, demanding your blood for theirs.”
Matthew 9:37-38
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is truly plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field.”
Ephesians 5:15-17
“Be very careful then on how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
What Makes You Complete?
By Hazel Yee
What makes a woman complete? Is it having a husband, the man of your dreams? Is it having a career that satisfies you and makes you somebody? Or is it having children calling you blessed? Well, these are all wonderful things to achieve and to possess. Being loved by a husband who cares no one but you in this world really is a pleasure to most women; achieving your goal in a profession that you desired the most is very uplifting, to some this is power; and having kids is what they say the essence of a woman.
If these are the bases of the completeness of a woman, then I am a nobody, I don’t have any of these, well, except for the first one, I have a wonderful husband who loves me and cares for me even when I wake up and there’s a drool at the corner of my lips, he’s there when I seem to turn into a monster because of my monthly period, and of course not to mention my increasing weight! He’s just a darling! Thank God! However, when I evaluated myself, the things I have achieved and the things I missed, there’s nothing much to be proud of, I’ m a homemaker, I depend on my husband for financial support and within 8 years of marriage, our lives as couple is filled with challenging and life changing experiences which have helped us coped life’s roller coaster ride. We just celebrated our 8 years anniversary last May 17, 2011 and during these years of waiting period, we somehow felt the uneasiness of being childless. Fear, doubt, and impatience are some of the things we encountered while we are at the waiting counter of our married life.
I heard people say, “You’re getting old, it’s impossible for you to bear a child at that age,” or “Try to make at least one, it’s lonely when you’re childless,” and many other things, I just realized, if I am going to put myself in the box they’re making out of me, I don’t know what shape will I end up with. Sometimes, people are so cruel when making remarks, they don’t seem to understand, I really wanted to have a child or children [we are actually praying for twin babies] but it’s not in my decision and power, I depend on God for answers, when and why, I don’t know, there are times I am tempted to answer them, “Why don’t you ask God yourself?” but it sound cruel so I just keep silent. Remarks from people are so distressing; they seem to know everything, as if they can control the fate of someone just because they experienced it, or they have it. But I forgive them. =D
As I grew older in my spiritual life, I have seen God’s hands in every situation, I felt relieved and joyful when He answered some of our prayers, I tend to asks questions when the answers are different from what I expect, I take one step at a time when He wants me to trust Him as I go through the dark alleys of my life and I’m comforted when He surrounds me with His loving presence when I felt the loneliness and threat of being alienated from this world. There are times I heard myself whispering, “I wished I have these or that, or I wish I am these or that,” it’s a good thing that God is an All-Knowing God, He knows what’s behind the pounding of my heart and He immediately reminded me by His Word and I would brushed it all away off my thoughts. But sometimes, my flesh would win, it’s an awful sight to see yourself win over God’s will, suffering and pain take place and you find yourself wallowed in the pit of self-destruction. Well, I almost, thanked God He is my rescuer.
As I go on, I realized many things, satisfaction and completeness doesn’t depend on how huge your financial earnings – because these will all fade and once a person dies, others will get what you have worked hard for, not only that, amidst your wealth, there is still that big hole in your heart; the kind of hole that sucks you deep down inside of you until you are famished for more. Completeness doesn’t depend on people who surround you, your husband nor your kids, because they are mere humans who will surely hurt, disappoint and fail you. They are not forever, relationship in this world is not eternal but temporal, if we hold on to these things as if they complete us, what would happen if someday they leave us? I met my husband when I was 21 years old, he was 14 then, I can’t say that he completes me, because I was able to survive for 21 years without him in my life, God is my sustainer, my strength and my life support and I am greatly blessed because of Him.
Remember, the people who crossed our lives are God’s gift to us to teach us, mould us, change us and challenge us, they are God’s instruments to make the best “magnum opus” come out of us but they will never ever complete us because God alone is the source of all completeness in this world, simply because He understands us, He knows our frame, He knows our rising up and our sitting down, He numbers our hair, He beautifies us, He strengthens us, He upholds us, He’s the only one who can make a promise that He will surely fulfill, He will never destroy our trust, He will never leave us as orphans or widows, He remembers His commitment and fulfill His vows, He is our defender, our refuge, a close friend, He is never too busy to hear us, never too angry to forgive us, never too far to reach us and we are never too sinful that He can’t love us. I can’t say that I’m too spiritual and that I know all the things in the Bible, what I can say is, I experienced Him daily, from the moment I wake up, the moment I go to bed, from the time my son died, from the time I experienced failure, from the time of my happiness, from the time of my loneliness, fear, weariness, failures and disappointments – I know He’s there, and when I passed through the Valley of Baca in every chapter of my life, I am thankful to God because He dug a fountain in the midst of it flowing! I know there’s more Valley of Baca out there waiting for me, but, the challenge is to make it a living well, a well that will flow no matter what the circumstance is. Life is like a dessert it is dry when you feel incomplete because of the absence of God, but it is fountain-filled when you set God in the midst of it, now that what makes a woman and man complete!
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